I’ve wondered if the
phrase “up to snuff”—meaning “capable of performing the task at hand”—has
anything to do with the powdered form of tobacco that my grandmother used to
gleefully dip into. As it turns out, it does.
The phrase apparently
originated in the early nineteenth century. In an 1811 parody of Shakespeare’s Hamlet by John Poole, he writes: “He
knows well enough the game we’re after: Zooks, he’s up to snuff.” And in
another place: “He is up to snuff, that is, he is the knowing one.”
In Grose’s
Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, published in 1823, “up to snuff
and a pinch above” is described as meaning “flash,” that is “showy and
ostentatious.” It is presumed that the derivation was from the powdered tobacco
popular since the seventeenth century, in reference to the stimulating effect
it had when taken orally. “Up to snuff” became associated with sharpness of
mind and superior ability based on the fact that it was expensive and it was
generally carried in ornately decorated boxes. Thus “up to snuff” came to mean
“up to a certain high standard” of cost and artistic quality.
No one has figured out what the Bard of Buffalo Bayou is
up to—but it probably isn’t snuff.
French breakfast is not up to snuff--
just croissants and other such stuff.
matter how much you beg,
be served only one egg,
the French say that one egg is un oeuf.