means to “pass up voluntarily, or do without.” Its root is Middle English forgan (“pass by”), from the prefix for- (“so as to involve prohibition,
exclusion, or omission”) and gan (“to go”). It entered the language
sometime before the 12th century.
(with the “e") means to “precede, occur prior to” and it stems from the Anglo
Saxon foregan and the German vorgehen, which mean the same thing. It,
too, has been in use since before the 12th century. Forego is most often used today in its
past participle form, as in the phrase “foregone conclusion”—an answer that is
decided before the question is asked.
Sad to say,
Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition, now accepts forego as a “variant” of forgo. O tempora! O mores!
The Bard of
Buffalo Bayou does not limit the forgoing of labor to one day a year. He hasn’t done a lick of honest work
since he took up versifying.
conclusions were always foregone.
cart, of course,
before his horse,
he got off before he got on.
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